Wednesday, May 02, 2007

list of web 2.0 companies

OK. So maybe this entry is going to be a bit long, but it should be pretty useful for the folks just getting started with Web 2.0. Here is a somewhat exhaustive list of the major players in the Web 2.0 space and other companies just doing "Web 2.0 stuff." Hopefully, it will give people an idea of the depth and breadth of this movement.

By all rights, I should be putting this into a dynamic form of some sort, but I'll work on that for the next post.

Feel free to use the more recently updated (6/20/2007) list here:
Web 2.0 Company Reference

And for some reason, the table formatting in Blogger is all screwed up. So bear with me, but the list is about 3000 pixels down this page. Argh!!

It's down here..

Keep going..

Not quite yet..

Almost there..


ajax Visual book finder pointing to Amazon
ajax seemless Presentation in PPT format on AJAX
ajax rich applications Up close and personal with Jesse James
ajax Chicago Crime Latest reported crimes mashup site
ajax Dojo Toolkit brings back crawlability to flash apps
ajax Google Maps Google Maps
ajax Kicksfinder eBay sneaker content remixed
ajax graphical housing rental/purchase app
ajax Zillow real estate valuations
ajax user programmable services Interesting AJAX theory discussion #2
ajax AJAX Interesting AJAX theory discussion #1
analytics Compete Sharing the web's click data
analytics Statsaholic Website traffic comparisons on steroids
analytics Swivel Upload and explore data, merge with govt sources
analytics Umbria mining the blogosphere for market intelligence
definitions Network effects definition of network effects
definitions harnessing collective intelligence Web 2.0 as defined by Tim O'Reilly
development Yahoo interface library Plugin to Yahoo's applications
development Coghead Build web apps easy and don't worry about the hosting
development Drupal Open source content management platform
development open APIs Latest list of popular open APIs
development Kapow World's first online mashup builder
development standards World Wide Web consortium
development Zimki Create, build and deploy web apps quickly without overhead
frameworks Django The Django web application framework
frameworks frameworks Open source AJAX frameworks with server-side java support
frameworks Rails Web application framework
gadgets-widgets Google AdSense Content-specific advertising by Google
gadgets-widgets Windows Live Gallery Windows Live Gallery of widgets
gadgets-widgets Google Gadgets Neat plugins for your website or blog
gadgets-widgets NetVibes All your digital life fits in one place: blogs, news, podcast, pics
gadgets-widgets The world of widgets at your fingertips
gadgets-widgets Portlet Factory Tools and tech to rapidly create, customize, and deploy portlets
guru Dion Hinchcliffe Guru Dion Hinchcliffe's company
guru Stowe Boyd Guru Stowe Boyd's website
mashups QEDWiki browser-based assembly canvas used to create simple mash-ups
mashups social networking software Blog on latest mashups and mashup technologies
mashups mashups Hundreds of mashups for fun and profit
mobile Jaiku Broadcast your SMS to your friends to let them know how you are
mobile TellMe Brings mobile search to everyone
mobile Twitter Broadcast your SMS to your friends to let them know how you are
rich internet apps GTimer Timer and report generator for your activities
rich internet apps Apollo Adobe's rich internet application builder
rich internet apps Yahoo Local Find it locally
rich internet apps Buzzword word procesor The first real word processor for the web
rich internet apps 37Signals Thoughtful products that do just what you need and nothing you don't
rich internet apps applications Adobe's latest applications
rich internet apps Zimbra Online/offline collaboration suite
services Salesforce On-demand platform for the enterprise
services Amazon Services freeing the means of production
services Amazon Fulfillment Pick, pack and ship by Amazon
social networking bebo A newer MySpace competitor
social networking Social bookmarking
social networking UnSpun Community opinions - ranked!
social networking See upcoming events in your area and hook up with friends
social networking 43things Discover what's important, make it happen, share your progress.
social networking Architecture for Humanity Design like you give a damn
social networking Digg Peer production news
social networking Facebook Social networking site
social networking Flickr Free photo service on the web
social networking Friendster Social networking site that came before MySpace
social networking Joost Interactive TV you can watch with your friends
social networking Last.FM Plugin to iTunes to share what you listen to with others
social networking LinkedIn Hook up with people in a personal or professional context
social networking MySpace MySpace
social networking StumbleUpon Find great websites, videos, photos and more based on your interests
social networking ThisNext recommendations from real people
social networking WeeWorld World's first multiplatform visual identity
social networking Yelp Reviews of restaurants, salons, bars, doctors by real people
social networking YouTube YouTube
syndication syndication definition of RSS
syndication the blogosphere The blogosphere as interpreted by Digg
syndication blog Media distribution and audience engagement services for feeds.
syndication RSS feeds Service to optimize blogs and feeds
syndication NetConcepts Website and search engine optimization and ecommerce for retailers
syndication tags and tag clouds Example of tags and tag clouds
syndication SixApart Personal and professional blogging tools
syndication blogs Search engine for blogs
targeting mSpoke Next gen personalization solutions for web content and advertising
targeting Revenue Science Connecting marketers to qualified audiences
user generated content Blogger Free blogging by Google
user generated content personalized home page Create a free home page with news, blogs and other widgets
user generated content Veoh From home videos to premium internet television
user generated content WikiPedia Encyclopedia by user contribution

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